Street Photography: Capturing Unique Images
Find And Capture Intimate And Interesting Moments In Any City
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Street Photography: Capturing Unique Images
Find And Capture Intimate And Interesting Moments In Any City
30-day money-back guarantee
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Unlimited access, anywhere, anytime
Learn from hand-vetted instructors, experts in their field
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Course Syllabus
Chapter 1- Street Photography Gear
- Subliminal But Intentional Framing
- Capture The Little Things
- Pacing, Patience & Persistence
- Empathy is Key

Steven John Irby, also known as Steve Sweatpants, is a self-taught street photographer in Brooklyn, New York. Heʼs also the co-founder & director of Street Dreams, a photography publication and visual agency.
The beauty of street photography is that it allows the photographer to capture humanity in its various forms. It is art that tells the story of life, humanity, and cultures. With so many of us now living in urban environments, being able to create an image that resonates and tells the story of urban life is more valuable than ever. But it can be intimidating to start when you don’t know what gear to use, how to look for the important moments or how to connect with the subject in your story. Steve Sweatpants, a well-known street photographer in New York City, will teach you the top 5 tips to help you overcome your fears so you can get out of your comfort zone and shoot the stories you see in the world.
About This Course
The beauty of street photography is that it allows the photographer to capture humanity in its various forms. It is art that tells the story of life, humanity, and cultures. With so many of us now living in urban environments, being able to create an image that resonates and tells the story of urban life is more valuable than ever. But it can be intimidating to start when you don’t know what gear to use, how to look for the important moments or how to connect with the subject in your story. Steve Sweatpants, a well-known street photographer in New York City, will teach you the top 5 tips to help you overcome your fears so you can get out of your comfort zone and shoot the stories you see in the world.
What You Will Learn
- The best gear to have with you
- The right time and right place to be to compose the image
- How to find the light and set up the shot
- The importance of the small moments and how they make your images more relatable
- Respecting your subjects and their journey
- How to pace yourself and be patient as you wait to capture the story as it unfolds
Why learn with Steve Sweatpants?
Steve Sweatpants, a well-known street photographer in New York City, will help you overcome your fears so you can get out of your comfort zone and shoot the stories you see in the world.
Who Is This Course For?
- Anyone interested in learning how to capture unique images or expand their knowledge of street photography
- Access to Internet
- Computer / Laptop / Mobile Device
What Is Included?
No badge is available for this class
Course Syllabus
Chapter 1- Street Photography Gear
- Subliminal But Intentional Framing
- Capture The Little Things
- Pacing, Patience & Persistence
- Empathy is Key
Sample lesson