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Freelancing 101: Turning your Side Hustle into Cash
How To Earn Income As A Freelancer, No Business Degree Required.
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Learn from hand-vetted instructors, experts in their field
No badge is available for this class.
Course Syllabus
Chapter 1- Build A Freelance Plan Of Action
- Develop Your Freelance Network
- Create A Simple Brand
- Freelancers Workbook
- Analize Your Market Value
- Determine Your Hourly Rate Free
- Estimate Your Time Commitment
- Hourly Vs. Project Rate
- When To Raise Your Rate
- Negotiate Value With A Target Number
- When To Say Yes And No To A Project
![Andrew Whelan](https://files.cdn.thinkific.com/instructors/001/098/7961709860315.small.jpeg)
Andrew Whelan, a career coach and small business owner with a performance background, helps General Assembly students and entrepreneurs succeed in branding and job searches.
This class will empower you to take your skills and monetize them as a freelancer. After this class, you will be able to identify competitors, price your services, and develop skills to network so that you can land that next deal.
About This Course
This class will empower you to take your skills and monetize them as a freelancer. After this class, you will be able to identify competitors, price your services, and develop skills to network so that you can land that next deal.
What You Will Learn
- The importance of setting specific and measurable goals, breaking them down into actionable steps, and maintaining a sense of urgency to achieve them.
- Learn how to network effectively by seeking advice, utilizing mentorship, joining professional associations, and volunteering at events to grow your business connections.
- Create a simple brand by understanding and telling one's story, emotionally connecting with clients, differentiating oneself, and combining rational and emotional aspects to authentically represent oneself.
- How to conduct comprehensive market research to grasp industry norms, competitors, and pricing, highlighting the need to pinpoint unique strengths and areas for growth to thrive in the market.
- Ease rate discomfort by valuing your worth and establishing clear prices, considering personal and business expenses, billable hours, and break-even rates.
- Recognize limits, set boundaries for unfeasible requests, low rates, or unclear client needs, while negotiating upfront deposits and delivery milestones for financial stability and clear client communication.
Why learn with Andrew Whelan?
Learn with Andrew for his diverse expertise as a career coach, small business owner, and former performer at The Second City and Late Night with Conan O'Brien. With a results-oriented, growth mindset approach, he has empowered numerous graduates and freelancers to achieve professional success. His coaching now targets General Assembly immersive students and entrepreneurs, providing valuable guidance on branding and job search strategies.
Who Is This Course For?
- Professionals that are ready to be their own boss.
- Freelancers looking to better navigate client relationships.
- Students and entrepreneurs seeking guidance on branding and job search strategies.
- Entrepreneurs looking to price their goods or services more appropriately.
- Access to Internet
- Computer / Laptop / Mobile Device
What Is Included?
No badge is available for this class.
Course Syllabus
Chapter 1- Build A Freelance Plan Of Action
- Develop Your Freelance Network
- Create A Simple Brand
- Freelancers Workbook
- Analize Your Market Value
- Determine Your Hourly Rate Free
- Estimate Your Time Commitment
- Hourly Vs. Project Rate
- When To Raise Your Rate
- Negotiate Value With A Target Number
- When To Say Yes And No To A Project
Sample lesson